in How To Videos by Staff

This is the method I discuss in my post, “The Most Important Rule About Copywriting?” at

A few days ago, a customer of mine, Quentin Pain (who’s tag line for his copywriting should be: “No Pain No Gain” LOL) asked me this interesting question:

“…what would you say is the most important rule you ever learned about direct marketing copywriting?”

I’ll show you the answer I gave him in a sec but first I want to say that his question has inspired me to launch a series of future blog posts on the subject. So, stay tuned for some great stuff.

When I got his email I had to think about that one because there are so many “important” rules to know and narrowing it down to one seemed to make the others somewhat less important.

When I had a catalog of copywriting and marketing books (pre-Amazon) people would call and ask me, “what one book would you recommend I get?” Now, that was also a hard one to answer because giving just one would seem to make the others less significant. Of course, I’d try by asking them a few questions about what they were trying to do, marketing wise. That would give me a starting point to suggest their best first book.

However, my REAL answer to that question — and I somehow would always squeeze it in — would be: “Get them all.”

Some people might think. “Sure, that’s because you were in the business of selling books.” But that isn’t the reason I’d tell them that. I’d tell them because all the top marketers and copywriters I knew HAD ALL OF THEM. THAT’S why I carried them in my catalog and recommended them.

So, back to the original question. As a copywriter or marketer, you need to know ALL of the “important” rules. Hence, the launch of this series of posts.

So, how did I answer his question? Here it is: (read more at: )

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