in How To Videos by Staff

In this video I reveal all the softwares and tools I use for my social media marketing agency and online education business so you guys can hopefully take advantage of some of the many tools I have used help me grow my businesses to over $100,000 per month over the last 2 years.
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20 thoughts on “All the Softwares & Tools I use for My Marketing Agency and Online Education Business
  1. Triston Murphey says:

    What would, in your opinion, be the best type of businesses to start with in smm? Also, It looks like Facebook updated yesterday and I can no longer see "Info and Ads" on potential clients' pages. How should I go about seeing if they actually run ads on FB or not? Or just isn't possible anymore? Thanks Billy! So much value in your content

  2. Akim Smith says:

    Do I need to create a website before I get started? Is there a video on this?

  3. YakPak Outdoors says:

    What’s up man! So everything I’ve seen on your channel so far is EXACTLY what I want to do. I’m 29 years old, married and have two kids. I’ve been in the Army for a little over 10 years but I want to start my own business, make my own hours, spend more time with my family and have the financial freedom to be able to make as much money as I want, and not be stuck in the 9-5 routine for the rest of my life. I’m going to be using your videos and your lessons to see how far I can take this. You’re the only person I’ve seen so far that actually keeps it real and keeps it straight to the point. Looking forward to more content from ya ???

  4. venerdosGaming says:

    I have a question a little of subject.
    Can I collect emails from a traffic offer on Facebook? Instead of using a lead generation ad?

  5. Raymond Bernal says:

    Ayye Billy, I appreciate the videos, Can you make a videos about what to implement into the contract between your business & your clients? either way good looks on the knowledge

  6. Vasco Leal says:

    Thanks for sharing! Great insights Billy!

  7. Alex Diaz says:

    Hello Billy, would recommend that I get a trademark for my agency?

  8. bestonlineresults says:

    Enjoyed. I use a lot of marketing tools myself. To do online marketing the right way, there is a lot to know, integrate and measure. In addition, the only thing guaranteed is change.

  9. Rich Bonfire says:

    You have good content, and are clearly a smart guy, so it's a disappointment to see how you titled this video. "Software" is an uncountable word, like information, hardware, data. Using "softwares" as a word is cringeworthy, and suggests a lack of genuine authority in the realm of "software" platforms, apps, applications, programs, products and other valid uses of the word. Pretty good guess that if you used the word "softwares" during a job interview at Google, you would be shown the door. I know you're not the first to misuse the word, but you might want to reconsider.

  10. Eduardo Trevino says:

    Thanks so much for all the value ive been consuming endless hours the last two days taking notes and watching over and over your youtube videos. I feel ill get my first client soon thanks to you .
    I have a question is there a list of thing you present along with your audit or mock ads?
    Besides telling them about the pixels or how to make good ads vs what they have ?
    I dont know if i could be missing more thing for the sales meeting/presentation?? thanks so much

  11. Tracy Effiom says:

    Thank you Billy for being transparent and sharing your tools!

  12. Adam says:

    billy you can use adobe premiere pro for captions or progress bars stuff like that 30 min tops

  13. Blair Arbouin says:

    Get the 'chrome remote desktop' extension

    It allows you to view your computer on your phone and its surprisingly good even though phone screens are way smaller.

  14. Bryan Nguyen says:

    Hey Billy! Let's do a collaboration on SMMA taxes and finance. I'm liking your stuff and I think we can help a lot of people.

  15. JSanchez says:

    6:34 Do you use Square for your agency program payments also? or do you use another one like Stripe, etc? awesome video!

  16. Gabriel Meneses says:

    Thanks for taking the time to make this video Billy! It was really insightful. InfusionSoft looks amazing. Whenever you have the time, please make a tutorial about it. Keep up the great work!

  17. Moving Quotes From Nationwide Moving Companies says:

    Great video with good content

  18. Marco Staff says:

    Just asked you a similar question on IG, thanks

  19. Billy Willson says:

    Sorry for the bad audio this video! not sure what happened but still hope you guys were able to get value out of it!

  20. David Cameron says:

    Active Campaign alternative that’s free/less expensive: MailChimp.

    I use it for the same things as Billy mentions (and the things I used to use ActiveCampaign for), but now I don’t have to pay for ActiveCampaign.

    Bonus: MailChimp is a lot easier software to learn your way around. Took far less time than ActiveCampaign did.

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