in Daily Grind by The Daily Muse


I freely admit it: I’m a Twitter fiend. I really do spend all day, every day on the platform — and I’m OK with that.

Before you get all “stupid millennial, too much time on the internet” on me, there’s a huge advantage to spending a large chunk of my life on the web: I’ve stumbled upon an amazing number of great career and job search resources over the years that’ve really helped me push my career forward. And, lucky for you, I’m spreading the wealth and sharing 75 of my favorites below.

Since there’s a lot to go through here, I split up this list into five categories: career, job search, productivity and self-betterment, personal finance, and business and news. Whether you check out every suggestion on the list, skip around a bit, or only follow a handful of these accounts, you’re bound to find something that will make your life a little easier. And, bonus, if you do love all the suggestions, you can follow the Twitter lists included in each section.


  1. Lindsey Pollak

    Millennial workplace expert and author Lindsey Pollak has a well-balanced account, tweeting about millennial news and insights, her professional life, and career tips and tricks, a.k.a., the works.

  2. Seth Godin

    Entrepreneur and author Seth Godin’s account is worth following because it links you to his awesome, acclaimed blog.

  3. CareerBuilder

    Career Builder has it all: links to great career content all over the web, digestible career tips, and inspirational quotes. What’s not to love?

  4. Chelsea Krost

    Krost is a millennial spokesperson and brand consultant, and one of my favorite things about her account is that she tweets a lot about a lot of different things related to career, millennials, and the workforce as a whole.

  5. Adam Grant

    Grant’s a giant in the world of career, job, and productivity advice, mostly because his approach is so unique. A professor at UPenn’s Wharton school, he mixes together insights on work and psychology. His articles are great, and his feed has a little bit of everything.

  6. Hannah Morgan

    They don’t call her the “Career Sherpa” for nothing. Morgan curates a lot of stellar content from around the web — making your life a whole lot easier.


    Looking for a little inspiration to pop up on your feed? CAREEREALISM’s tweets are straightforward and always worth the click.

  8. J.T. O’Donnell

    Continuing on the CAREEREALISM beat, the site’s founder J.T. O’Donnell is also worth a follow. She posts a lot of great career content, including many of the articles she writes for sites like Inc. and LinkedIn.

  9. Ashley Stahl

    This career coach’s account is rad because it combines fun tweets with career advice and inspirational content. Oh, and she gets bonus points for being a Daily Muse author.

  10. Lolly Daskal

    If you want a perpetual stream of tweets and quotes about leadership, Inc. writer Lolly Daskal’s account is the one to follow.

  11. Buffer

    Buffer really does have it all: motivational quotes, interesting graphics about transparency and productivity, and personal and professional development. Not to mention, the company leads the pack in weekly Twitter chats.

  12. Get Bullish

    Jen Dziura’s “aggressive lady advice” covers career advice, entrepreneurship, and feminism in a way you’ve probably never seen before. (Well, unless you read her Bullish column on The Daily Muse.)

  13. LinkedIn Pulse

    Now you don’t even have to log into LinkedIn to get all the career, job search, and workplace advice available on Pulse.

  14. Aliza Licht

    Former DKNY PR GIRL, SVP of Global Communications at Donna Karan, and best-selling author Aliza Licht tweets career advice gold from her account and interacts a lot with followers. Bonus: She also just started a career-oriented newsletter if you can’t get enough.

  15. Dr. Travis Bradberry

    Does the name sound familiar? That’s because Bradberry is one of the most popular LinkedIn Influencers on the platform, and he wrote Pulse’s most popular post of all time. His Twitter content (geared mostly toward emotional intelligence and psychology) doesn’t disappoint either.

    Follow all of these career experts on Twitter.

    Job search

  16. Adecco

    Adecco is a world leader in workforce solutions, and its account features great advice as well as emojis.

  17. Susan P. Joyce

    Job Hunt’s Twitter expert Susan P. Joyce shares everything you could ever want to know about landing your dream gig.

  18. Chris Russell

    Russell focuses specially on both how to impress recruiters during the job search process and what it looks like from the perspective of hiring managers and employers. So, even if you’re on the other end of things, it’s great to get insight from the people you’re waiting to hear back from.

  19. Dorie Clark

    Clark’s feed features great advice for standing out the during the application process as well as what to do when you actually land the job.

  20. Dan Schawbel

    This career expert and bestselling author offers insights into the workforce, recruiting, and personal branding.

  21. Undercover Recruiter

    There are lots of interesting tidbits to check out when it comes to landing that perfect job.

  22. Miriam Salpeter

    Salpeter has a little bit of everything for anyone at any stage of life looking for a job.

  23. The Job Guy

    You get wonderful little quotes and tips that don’t involve any additional clicking. What’s not to love?

  24. Brazen Careerist

    The content is mostly for recruiters, but even you’re not in that boat, it’s still great information to know (hey, you get the inside scoop).

  25. Heather Huhman

    Huhman’s a Gen Y career expert sharing her thoughts on the job search and the changing workforce.

  26. Ryan Rhoten

    This personal branding expert gives job seekers the know-how on standing out.

  27. Meghan M. Biro

    Want a constant stream of tweets related to all things job search? Biro’s account is your answer.

  28. HR Bartender

    First all off, props to HR Bartender for a handle you can’t help but want to follow. Second of all, it tweets a great deal about HR practices, as well as leadership tips and tricks.

  29. Lisa Rangel

    Rangel is a resume writer and LinkedIn expert who gives you everything you need to make your work history and past accomplishments shine.

  30. Jenny Foss

    We’re lucky to have Foss as a career expert and coach on The Muse, and her Twitter feed is just as spot on as her articles.

    Follow all of these job search experts on Twitter.

    Productivity and self-betterment

  31. Danny H. Rubin

    Rubin is an email marketing whiz who can help you write the perfect message, no matter who it’s for — networking contact, co-worker, or client.

  32. Tim Ferriss

    Bestselling author Tim Ferris is a well-known productivity expert, so it’s not at all surprising his account also has great insights.

  33. Michael Hyatt

    Would you describe yourself as productivity fiend? If so, Hyatt’s a must-follow for your list.

  34. 99U

    I know I shouldn’t play favorites here, but 99U is one. And once you start following, you’ll quickly see why.

  35. 1000 Life Hacks

    This image-based account has lots of great random life hacks. And sure, we use the word “hack” a lot on the internet, but this one’s still using it correctly.

  36. Productivityist

    I’ll keep it short and sweet here: awesome productivity insights from all over the web.

  37. Asian Efficiency

    The Asian Efficiency account is a great mix of its own site’s blog posts as well as content from all over the web.

  38. Leo Babauta

    You might know Babauta best as the founder of Zen Habits bar (and if you don’t, check it out) — his Twitter is just as inspiring and interesting.

  39. Julie Morgenstern

    Morgenstern’s account is a stream of tidbits about productivity and organization. In other words, definitely worth a follow.

  40. Lifehacker

    The website’s awesome, and so naturally its Twitter account is, too. There’s just so much different stuff to look at and click on!

  41. Paul Jarvis

    Truth be told, Jarvis’ account could successfully fit in half of the categories in this post (job search and career included), but his productivity and mindset tweets rank the highest in my book.

  42. James Clear

    Clear’s a productivity guru — and I don’t use that word lightly — whose Twitter account also features inspiring quotes and links to his popular blog.

  43. Remotive

    Remotive tweets about productivity, more specifically how to be productive when working remotely, and I personally love everything I see.

  44. Marie Forleo

    Forleo also gets my “favorite child” endorsement because her advice is so universal — and her feed manages to be inspirational, motivational, funny, and interesting.

  45. Eric Barker

    Barker runs the popular blog Barking Up The Wrong Tree, where he combines neuroscience with productivity and self-betterment practices. Lucky for us, his account’s no different.

    Follow all of these productivity experts on Twitter.

    Personal finance

  46. LearnVest

    LearnVest’s blog combines career advice with the personal finance insights you need to succeed in the workforce (and also in life).

  47. MONEY

    MONEY, a part of the Time Inc. network, has a little something for all of your personal finance needs, from how to afford Disney World on the cheap to how to save $36,000 with one easy trick.

  48. The Financial Diet

    TFD is frank about personal finance and living better. And it does not hurt that it has witty and honest writer Chelsea Fagan at the helm. Another plus: The site also has one-of-a-kind career content, too.

  49. DailyWorth

    While much of DailyWorth’s financial advice is specifically geared toward women, everyone has a lot to gain from following it.

  50. The Billfold

    The Billfold is all about having an honest conversation about money, and it covers anything finance-related you could imagine.

  51. MoneyUnder30

    While you are never too old to pick up some finance insights, many of the articles this account tweets are of particular interest to 20-somethings who are still figuring their wallet situation out.

  52. Jeff Rose

    Rose is a financial planner who tweets about every personal finance topic under the sun (from your IRA to how to handle money in a divorce), so he’s definitely worth a follow because you never know when you’ll need him.

  53. Farnoosh Torabi

    She’s a bestselling author with an inspiring money story (she herself climbed out of thousands of dollars of debt), and her feed is proof of her accomplishments.

  54. Sophia Bera

    Bera is a financial planner who specifically works with millennials on money management, and her account tackles issues that affect young people handling an income for the first time ever.

  55. NerdWallet

    NerdWallet provides no-nonsense explanations of all of life’s financial situations.

  56. Lauren Young

    Reuter’s wealth editor tweets about general money trends, while also adding her two cents about finance for her followers to weigh in on.

  57. J. Money

    This account is pretty funny, so if you’re just wanting to get your feet wet in the world of personal finance on Twitter, this is a nice place to start.

  58. Mary Beth Storjohann

    She’s another financial planner who works with Gen Y in particular, but one of the best things about her Twitter feed is her gorgeous graphics that make money advice look oh so great.

  59. Jean Chatzky

    Chatzky’s the financial editor at NBC Today, so if you’re looking for a more journalistic approach, she’s the person to follow.

  60. Experts

    Talking about credit sounds really boring, but this account is straightforward and gives you the advice you need.

    Follow all of these personal finance experts on Twitter.

    Business and news

  61. Fast Company

    There’s a reason why this account has millions of followers: Its content is stellar, and there’s such a variety of it to choose from.

  62. Jim Roberts

    Mashable’s chief content officer does a great job tweeting what’s happening in the world throughout the day.

  63. VentureBeat

    Need a little more tech news in your life? VentureBeat’s where it’s at.

  64. Mashable Business

    Mashable has a number of accounts for its various verticals, but Mash Business does a nice job covering career advice and business news.

  65. Brian Stelter

    Stelter’s Twitter account is truly a goldmine of breaking news information in real time with his own personal commentary.

  66. Forbes

    This is a given, because Forbes’ Twitter account covers everything: Business, news, tech, career, money, entrepreneurship, and job search.

  67. Andrew Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald, the Director of Curation at Twitter, has a little news, a little tech company culture, and a lot of funny tweets.

  68. Product Hunt

    Another personal favorite, Product Hunt tweets about the latest products, apps, games, podcasts, and tech out there. I’m a huge fan.

  69. Susan McPherson

    McPherson, founder of McPherson Strategies, tweets about news regarding diversity in the workforce (and the world), feminism, politics, entrepreneurship, and tech.

  70. Alexis Ohanian

    The Reddit co-founder tweets all things internet, tech, entrepreneurship, business, and news. Bonus: There are also lots of funny photos involved.

  71. Heidi N. Moore

    Mashable’s business editor tweets a lot of breaking news and interesting links from across the web (and always does so in an entertaining fashion).

  72. The Associated Press

    One reason to follow the AP over other news accounts: It also retweets news from its many, many verticals, which means you can get important current events next to a zany local news story.

  73. Alisha Ramos

    Vox front-end designer Alisha Ramos tweets about tech, entrepreneurship, general news, and diversity (specifically in the STEM fields).

  74. NPR

    Much like the AP, NPR’s Twitter content is from all of its verticals, meaning you can get news from any content area you can imagine.

  75. Breaking News

    Follow all of these business and news experts on Twitter.

This article originally published at The Muse here

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