in Daily Grind by Tracey Edouard

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Mashable’s latest #BizChats Twitter chat, sponsored by Robert Half Technology, discussed what it takes for any businesses to recruit the best talent to their company.

Over the course of an hour, @MashBusiness covered an array of topics ranging from how new digital tools changed how to recruit candidates, to the kind of incentives that should be presented to encourage referrals.

Several recruiting experts joined us in the conversation including: John Reed, senior executive director of Robert Half Technology; Katrina Collier, social media recruitment expert & global keynote; Nicole Frisbee, social media marketing specialist at HireVue; Shally Steckerl, founder and president of The Sourcing Institute; Stacy WIlliamson, senior technical recruiter at ESPN; and Steve Levy, principal of recruiting, talent & social media consultant at The Recruiting Inferno.


Image: Mashable Composite, (corbis credit)

Check out highlights from our chat in the Storify, below:

[View the story “#BizChats: How to recruit the crème de la crème for your business” on Storify]

Mashable breaks down the basics of how to make the recruiting process more appealing to younger applicants and recruit the best talent for your growing business.

Storified by Mashable· Wed, Mar 09 2016 20:16:29

With the gradual shakeup of the Baby Boomer generation in the workforce, companies are now looking for new ways to appeal to a new wave of talent. As a matter of fact, in a study conducted by PWC, millennials will make up nearly 50% of the American workforce by 2020. This shift in the demographic of professionals is rattling the recruiting process for small and large businesses alike. From a business’ perspective, they are faced with a new challenge: How can new digital tools enhance the recruiting process? What kind of incentives help encourage more job referrals? What are the pros and cons of working with a recruiting firm?


and several recruiting experts participated in a #BizChats Twitter chat, sponsored by Robert Half Technology, to discuss what it takes to recruit the top tech talent in the industry.

Welcome to #BizChats, sponsored by @RobertHalfTech!Mashable Business
Today, we’re discussing how to recruit the top candidates for your business. Please introduce yourselves! #BizChatsMashable Business
A warm welcome to our recruiting experts: @hirevue, @Josh_Bersin, @JReedRHT, @LevyRecruits, (cont.) #BizChatsMashable Business
@RecruiterStacy, @shally, & @WinningImpress! #BizChatsMashable Business
#BizChats tip: Be sure to number your answers according to the question you’re answering. (ie., Q1.—> A1., Q2. —> A2., Q3. —> A3.)Mashable Business
Question 1:
Q1: Why is the recruiting process so important for businesses? #BizChatsMashable Business
A1: When optimized, recruiting leads to increased revenue and reduced operating expenses.  #bizchatsShally Steckerl
A1: It is the recruiter’s job to find, attract and engage a fair share of top talent for their organization. #bizchatsShally Steckerl
A1: Hiring the right people can propel your business forward! It can also help build your employer brand. #BizChatsStacy Williamson
A1: Need to grow revenue? Hire more and better salespeople. Best way to hire the best sales people?  Recruit them. #bizchatsShally Steckerl
A1: The recruiting process is foundation 4 candidate & employee experiences, customer service, results. It’s kinda like good sex #BizChatsSteve Levy
A1 #BizChats ’cause people decide the success or failure of a company. They decide the fate. Not the brand nor the shareholder. The people!Katrina Collier
A1: Hiring the right people means building the right experience for your customers. #BizChatsLars Helgeson
@mashbusiness A1. Recruiting impacts everything. If you don’t have talent, you can’t win. PERIOD. #bizchats -Ben
A1: Recruiters are first to touch top talent. They can be either brand ambassadors or brand assassins. #bizchatsShally Steckerl
A1: Instead of spending so much money on fixing your employment brand, train your recruiters better.  #bizchatsShally Steckerl
The recruiting process says a lot about your company culture. Are you sending the right signals to your future employees? #BizChatsRobert Half Tech
A1: going about it in a gentler, more humane way that won’t piss off candidates who are potential customers. #bizchatsShally Steckerl
@mashbusiness A1 Good ideas don’t automatically = good companies. You need top tier successful people to run a successful business #BizchatsKevin Martin
Because no matter how much you spend on tools & tech, they’re only as good as the ppl using them #BizChats Levy
Question 2:
Q2: How have new digital tools changed how to recruit candidates? #BizChatsMashable Business
A2: Always keep in mind that tools don’t recruit, people do #BizChatsSteve Levy
A2: New digital tools add a whole new social aspect. Networking is simplified. Also, your strategy can be more data driven! #BizChatsStacy Williamson
A2. New tools have widened the reach to find top talent #Bizchats
A2: new tools make it hard to just “tow a company line” we now have to be genuine and real not just a cardboard cutout #bizchatsShally Steckerl
A2: #BizChats you have to be where your candidates are. Digital recruiting tools have enabled us at @HireVue to identify top talentGabe Villamizar
A2: Your employer brand is now super important. Plus, new digital tools provide more transparency to your process. #BizChatsStacy Williamson
@mashbusiness A2: Digital tools allow recruiters easier access to potential candidates, literally at the tips of their fingers. #BizChatsYelling Mule
A2 #BizChats companies gained direct access to people, more insight, improved culture fit, cut costs, increased retention & productivity!Katrina Collier
A2: new digital tools bridge the divide and bring people closer to their desired tribes, but we can also repel just as easily #bizchatsShally Steckerl
A2. Tools like @Teamableme make it super easy for employees to maximize their networks while making it fun!! #ShowMeThemoney #BizchatsCj Masopust
@mashbusiness A2 Transparency & instantaneous connection. It’s easier for both parties to research each other & communicate #BizChatsSP Consulting
Question 3:
Q3: How does strong job growth in the U.S. affect salaries? #BizChatsMashable Business
A3:Competition = increased compensation, in tight markets like tech, employees can can expect to see big bumps in pay #BizChatsRobert Half Tech
A3 generally speaking strong job growth doesn’t impact salaries – except for the areas where irrationality inflates #BizChatsSteve Levy
A3: W/ more work options, companies have to be prepared to offer competitive compensation packages, especially for top candidates. #BizChatsStacy Williamson
@mashbusiness A3 Unfortunately less than it should. Record job growth & profits have not lead to significant wage growth #BizChatsKevin Martin
A3: Work in tech but not sure about compensation levels? There’s a salary guide for that: #BizChatsRobert Half Tech
A3 I’m a Brit so…. salaries have increased but people don’t move for salary alone. Companies that step up are recruiting better! #BizChatsKatrina Collier
A3. If unemployment is low, employers have a harder time finding new workers. Obviously. #BizChats
a3 if you offer meaningful work & find candidates with aligned purpose, Salary will be a hygiene factor not the main attraction #bizchatsPay Compliment
A3: Simple .. Supply and Demand. Economics 101. High demand + low supply = more #MONEY to be paid on salaries. +perks! #BizChatsRyan Naylor
A3: It’s really the supply and demand of a specific position that affects salaries. Results may vary by market and role. #BizChatsRobert Half Tech
@mashbusiness A3 Lots of companies say salary is based on experience neat to see w/ an increase in millennials entering job market #BizchatsSP Consulting
Question 4:
Q4: What non-salary benefits can help businesses attract top talent? #BizChatsMashable Business
A4: Perks like wellness & childcare facilities, awesome cafeterias, fun work-spaces, employee recognition awards & discounts! #BizChatsStacy Williamson
@mashbusiness q4: strong leadership and diverse workforce #BizChatsDavid Silverberg
20% of CIO’s say tech salaries are too low due to expectations and workloads #bizchatsJohn Reed
A4: Project ownership from day 1. If your employees feel like they are trusted with important projects they will appreciate it #BizChatseeedo
A4: Time to pursue passion projects during business hours: #BizChatsAlison Strickland
@eeedo_inc @mashbusiness TRUST. IS. EVERYTHING. #Bizchats – @NicoleHireVueHireVue
@mashbusiness Culture is so underrated. Coming to work should be a rewarding experience and not some soul-crushing endeavor. #BizChatsKevin Martin
A4 Honesty. Never forget that shit rolls downhill. And real performance transparency (also talk career progression from the start) #BizChatsSteve Levy
Keep this in mind – if the ppl you’re already trying to recruit were to suddenly view this chat, what would they really think? #BizChatsSteve Levy
Q4: How about asking your team what benefits they value? #BizChatsRobert Half Tech
A4 #BizChats Genuine appreciation of employees, transparency, flat structure, collaboration, opportunity for growth, career path, flexible..Katrina Collier
A4: Pretty sure marketplace reputation on the environment, industry, growth, stability all play a huge role in getting top talent. #BizChatsRyan Naylor
@mashbusiness, great community within the company, like-minded people, e.g. societies by interest and after-work activities #BizChatsAnna Slyusareva
A4: The obvious benefit – kickass culture where people come together for a purpose. #bizchats #micdrop
tools can provide data to help hiring managers beyond the resume so its important to stay on top of your digital footprint too
#bizchatsJohn Reed
A4 Healthcare, gym membership, child and elder care, fun company perks, parking just to name a few!#BizChats Y-M, SPHR
A4: Flexible work-life-balance is a big one for us! #Bizchats #ESPNCareersJason J. Hernandez
Question 5:
Q5: What kind of incentives should be presented to encourage referrals? #BizChatsMashable Business
A5 #BizChats Cash alone won’t do it. Transparency of the process & genuine appreciation & recognition when the hire is made goes a long wayKatrina Collier
@WinningImpress @mashbusiness absolutely! Even the acknowledgment that someone took the time to review a candidate is huge #BizChatsKevin Martin
A5: Some of our best employees were referred by existing staff. Top talent often seeks out like minds. #bizchatsRobert Half Tech
@j_yaskomangum None of that would make me change jobs #bizchatsKatrina Collier
A5: When employees have quality work experiences, they’d naturally want their friends to work there too. #BizChatsStacy Williamson
A5 Bonus, comp time, employee referral award, intranet kudos! #BizChats Y-M, SPHR
#bizchats – employee referrals – you betta recognize……Ben Martinez
A5: #BizChats recognition, dough, leaderboard, and other unique company swag to promote referrals. @hirevueGabe Villamizar
A5 think about this, if your bff sets u up on a date & u end up falling in love & marrying, they go 2 the wedding & give u $$$ #BizChatsSteve Levy
A5 I’m sure someone already wrote this but ask ur employees to design the referral program #BizChatsSteve Levy
A5: When employees have quality work experiences, they’d naturally want their friends to work there too. #BizChatsStacy Williamson
A5 employees want to know that recruiters will followup w/ referrals & keep them in the loop during the process (not money) #bizchatsLarry Hernandez
Question 6:
Q6: What are the advantages of working with a recruiting firm? #BizChatsMashable Business
A6. They have connections to help you get your foot in door and to make you look good to new employer! #BizChats Y-M, SPHR
A6: You can concentrate on your core business activities rather than shuffling through CVs and reading applications #BizChatseeedo
A6 #BizChats If you’re light on internal resource agents can reduce the pressure but partner properly. The more they know the better!Katrina Collier
@mashbusiness A6) They already have a pool of people to connect with your needs. #BizChatsHotSchedulesRCT
A6: Recruiting firms customize your search and share the most relevant opportunities you may not have access to on your own #bizchatsRobert Half Tech
A6: They can broaden your reach. They also can present a more streamlined focus. #BizChatsStacy Williamson
A6. There are advantages to outsourcing huge volumes to work, right? Just spoke to a client who hired 900 people in ONE YEAR! #bizchatsWeirdly
A6: Access to free training, so you can continue to build your skills during a #jobsearch/while working: #BizChatsAlison Strickland
a6 a good recruiter will bring you candidates you couldn’t organically reach & would die to hire. Those are few & far between. #bizchatsPay Compliment
A6: They can help you find top talent, not just resumes. #BizChats
A6: Staffing firms help us with executive-level and harder-to-fill positions. Supplemented by amazing team of internal recruiters #BizChatsPaycor
A6. Using recruiters who know about cool software (like us!) who can help streamline your screening and collaboration is great too #bizchatsWeirdly
A6: Speed. Variable costs to help business scale faster can be a big advantage. @mashbusiness #BizChats #TimeisMoneyRyan Naylor
A6: Niche recruiting firms have their ear to ground in markets that most do not #bizchatsLarry Hernandez
A6 recruiters have insight into a company work-style to make sure its a match and you know what to expect at a company
#bizchat #bizchatsJohn Reed
A6 bottom line with any recruiter is asking them what they done recently to get better #BizChatsSteve Levy
A6: Recruiting firms can filter through thousands of applications, to interview and present only the best candidates #BizChatsRobert Half Tech
Question 7:
Q7: What are the biggest mistakes that businesses can avoid in the recruiting process? #BizChatsMashable Business
A7: Overselling the job or the companies culture to a potential hire. Nobody likes being deceived. #Bizchats Honesty is the best policy!Jason J. Hernandez
A7: Invest time early in the process! Don’t just react and start without a real plan.
#bizchatsLarry Hernandez
@mashbusiness A7: TAKING TOO LONG! As evident by the speed of this chat, most people you want don’t wait 3 months for a reply – or no reply.Paycor
A7: Mistakes = Providing bad candidate experiences & not being transparent throughout the process. #BizChatsStacy Williamson
a7 huge mistake not to give comprehensive feedback during recruitment (or none at all). #bizchatsPay Compliment
A7: Check internally first before having the recruiting team have “fire drill” 🙂 #bizchatsLarry Hernandez
Q7: Avoiding a desperation hire! Solution: Think like you’re hiring, even when you’re not. #BizChats #hiringAlison Strickland
A7 #BizChats Long non-mobile-enabled application processes & unnecessarily long time time-to-hire. Check your own social reputations out tooKatrina Collier
A7 That you’re a recruiting ninja, guru, expert at recruiting. No one is. Always be improving the process #BizChatsSteve Levy
@mashbusiness A7 Communication goes 2 ways, if you don’t clearly communicate with the prospect, they may lose interest #BizChatsSP Consulting
Cultural fit is key! Get opinions from others during interview process. Although trust your gut instinct. #BizChats Edie
A7 Shortchanging the intake meeting – sorry folks but it’s NOT in the job description. #BizChatsSteve Levy
Make sure your HMs & any interviewers understand their role in candidate experience #BizChatsKelly Blokdijk, SPHR
A7. Focussing more on getting people through the door, than what it’s like for them once they get there. #bizchats
A7 moving too slow!
#bizchatsJohn Reed
A7: Or moving too fast! #BizChats Williamson
A7 if you’re candidate experience doesn’t track with your employee experience, this is called bait & switch #BizChatsSteve Levy
A7 Proper workforce planning w/ budgeting, consistent background checks, remove bias, show fantastic biz! #BizChats Y-M, SPHR
A7. Basing your shortlisting decisions on a resume. What do those things really tell you about someone anyway? #bizchatsWeirdly
Question 8:
Q8: What final tips do you have for businesses to be the best at recruiting? #BizChatsMashable Business
Q8: Master the art of a good job description – it is an ART #BizChatsJennifer Popovic
@ESPNrecruiter_j Honesty is the best policy! especially when you’re trying to create a new relationship with a potential employee.#BizchatsStar Staffing
A8: Find people who can help you meet your goals! #Bizchats
A8: Know your pitch! Make sure job seekers want to work for you & know how to tell them why! #BizChatsRobert Half Tech
@mashbusiness A8 One area is understanding your needs. Don’t write/post a job description for a job that ‘would be nice to have’ #AdweekChatSP Consulting
@mashbusiness A8 Show your company culture #BizChatsRob Forsythe
A8 Its important to do your homework on salary trends or you could be left behind
#bizchatsJohn Reed
A8: The Days of “why should we hire you” are gone. Think and treat candidates as VIP customers. #bizchatsLarry Hernandez
A8 Keywords & the USP of the client #BizChatsGaurav Lal
A8 #BizChats @mashbusiness before starting the recruitment process define what success looks like!!Martin Medforth
A8: Let’s make hiring lean. Give your candidates actual meaningful tasks to complete during the hiring process. It’s a win-win #BizChatseeedo
@mashbusiness A8) Treat applicants like humans, not tools/assets! A bit of goodwill goes a long way during the hiring experience. #BizChatsHeadway
A8) job ad should reflect what your ideal candidate wants to know & will find appealing enuf to apply #BizChatsKelly Blokdijk, SPHR
A8: Develop strong relationships with target schools & professional organizations. #BizChatsStacy Williamson
a8 start recruitment well before you need to.Hiring based on desperation + availability is a bad formula. Have a next emp pipeline #bizchatsPay Compliment
A8 #BizChats Invest in your recruiters & processes. People make the company – ensure your recruiters have the skills they need to succeed!Katrina Collier
A8: Two words: Be authentic. #BizChatsAlison Strickland
A8: Create engaging job descriptions & utilize structured interviewing. #BizChatsStacy Williamson
A8: Ultimate #recruiting advice. #BizChats @mashbusiness #dropthemic Naylor
Closing Comments:
Thank you for joining today’s #BizChats, sponsored by @RobertHalfTech!Mashable Business
Thanks for having me on today’s #BizChats – conference call time… ~SteveSteve Levy
@mashbusiness @WinningImpress #BizChats fun indeed … Hope I helped!Martin Medforth
Nothing else going on so glad I popped in to @mashbusiness for discussion on recruitment in social media world. 30 mins well spent …Martin Medforth
Thanks everyone for participating! It was a pleasure chatting with you. #BizChatsStacy Williamson
S L O W C L A P… thanks @mashbusiness for #BizChats about #recruiting. Important business topic.Ryan Naylor
It was great, thank you! Reed
@martinmedforth You were fabulous as ever! @mashbusinessKatrina Collier
Thanks @mashbusiness for #BizChats! Tweet at us if you have any questions or comments! #micdrop – @NicoleHireVue

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